Criminal Justice Career Day on April 5
Over 40 agencies to attend event
The HSU Criminal Justice Association will be hosting a Career Day on Wednesday from 3:30-6:30 p.m. in the Johnson Multipurpose Room. Agents and representatives from 43 different local, state, and federal agencies will meet with students who are interested in careers in criminal justice.
Dr. Karin Brown, Chair of the Criminal Justice Department, says she has held “Feds Day” in the past, but this is one will be the biggest yet.
“This is the first time we will have such a large number and variety of agencies represented. We are excited to have them all together for this event,” she said.
Among the many agencies represented are the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Homeland Security Investigations, U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency, Texas Parks and Wildlife, and Child Advocacy Center. Representatives from police departments, fire departments and county courts from several surrounding areas will also be in attendance.
The event is not only for Criminal Justice majors, but also for any student looking for a career in this vast and dynamic field.
“It is our hope that anyone interested in learning more about serving in the criminal justice system will attend,” Brown said.
Four of the 43 agencies who have confirmed attendance were thanks to collaborations with Mr. Stuart Platt, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice at Abilene Christian University.